All 0s and 1s pt.2
Last week, I wrote a blogpost that probably didn't make a lot of sense. "I don't really understand the programming, but from your description I can definitely follow the process behind making the poem." - Anonymous "I don't know how the LC-3 assembly language works..." - Anonymous "I thought it was an interesting choice to include all the coding that you did even though I didn't understand any of it." - Anonymous I tried to put forth a whole bunch of code without much explaining. While the comments to the code were there, there was obviously still a lot of confusion regarding the code and the decision to include that mess. In this blogpost, I want to explain the code in a form of a poem :) **Also I made some edits to the code realizing that there were some bugs** .ORIG x3000 LEA R1,FONT_DATA ;Load the information the program wants to access LD R2,ZERO ;Character to print when program finds zeros in memory address LDR R...